5 Interesting Ways to Earn Money on the Internet

startup-photosWhether you’re looking for a part-time job to pay off your student loan, or you need some additional money to support your family, the Internet offers many job opportunities. Owing to technological advances, we have access to an enormous market of virtual jobs that we can easily fit into our busy schedules. You can often find a side-job that you are truly interested in, that can ultimately become more than just a way of earning a few extra bucks. (more…)

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An Overview of WordPress’ Competition

wordpress laptopWordPress (WP) is a platform which stands out from the rest of the content management systems (CMSs). It is estimated that around one-fourth of internet content is managed via this solution, which is already enough to strike awe. The driving force behind this stellar success is certainly WP’s user-friendliness. You do not have to possess coding or web design skills in order to get the digital show on the road. Also, there is a myriad of available themes and plugins. So, is WP simply the best or are there other systems out there that are worth our while? (more…)

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The Implementation of Local Content Marketing Strategy

evolution_of_local_search_on_internetResearch conducted by Stockholm School of Economics goes to show that offering continuous value to consumers creates advertising equity that compels users to take action. The research basically confirms the definition of content marketing provided by Content Marketing Institute that states:

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

In terms of content marketing, consistent content stands for advertising equity. You have to give consistent value to the readers in order to attract new and retain already clearly-defined audience. (more…)

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The Expense of Data Rapture

cloud servicesLeading IT companies are trying to put in place an infrastructure to support their mobile workforce and a range of complex connected devices. On the other hand, they are also trying to meet the compliance challenges. Data recovery and protection has higher priorityas cybercrime is on the rise. The expense of data rapture is increasing because of the new set of data protection regulations. IT companies are looking at cloud backup as an effective way to secure and recover data.


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How New gTLD’s Changed the Online Branding Game for Good

gltdsDomain extensions are flying of the shelf in the last few years. Current expanding market forced ICANN to introduce hundreds of new generic TLDs. Their ultimate plan is to release more than 1300 new domain name extensions, and experts predict that this move might completely change online branding industry.

Online branding today is as hard as it comes. Internet and social networks made everybody visible, which is why many companies want to make an extra step that will enable them to position their offer higher than everyone else’s. Some of these companies saw introduction of new generic TLDs as a turning point that will boost their brand’s visibility and make them stand out from their competition. They were right!

Great branding opportunity

Most internet users still don’t realize the advantages generic TLDs bring. More than 55% of them don’t even know that new TLDs are introduced. This represents a great opportunity for entrepreneurs and marketing agencies who want to build strong brands on these new and much less expensive TLDs. Since researches show that these extensions are sometimes as successful as ‘.com’, entrepreneurs need to act fast in order to catch the best offers. Unlike ‘.com’ and other regular TLDs, these generic extensions allow entrepreneurs to share more information about their business within its domain name, which completely changed online branding. Many content marketing agencies already seized this opportunity and managed use the strong bond between SEO and content marketing to implement their strategies.

Some company’s acted fast

Many big and small businesses realized the benefits of new generic TLDs, and these are some of the most successful examples:

  • Abc.xyz – An ultimate example of the best generic TLDs usage comes from Google. Alphabet Inc. is a conglomerate that will take over all Google owned companies and it will start its business with a highly brandable domain name.
  • Dekora.fashion (previous domain name was Dekoraconceptstore.com) – Dekora managed to make their domain more memorable and easier to type. Since good ‘.com’ domains are really hard to get these days, they used a gTLD which explains their business in the best way.
  • Risurisu.paris (used to be Risurisu.fr) – Most SEO experts advise companies to choose country code TLDs for businesses that target customers at the local level. Risurisu fashion store went far beyond that with adding their exact location, which is also one of the biggest fashion capitals of the world.
  • Wheretotravel.today – This traveling website made its domain name more intriguing, and used this catchy question as a great branding tool.
  • Printnw.rocks (before it was called Printnw.com) – Another great example how creative generic TLD can turn a regular domain name, into a catchy slogan.

How new TLDs affect SEO?

seoNew generic TLDs will definitely have an impact on search engine optimization. Currently both internet users and Google search algorithms are getting used to them. This process won’t take long and soon generic TLDs will be fully integrated into search results. Matt Cutts, the head of Google’s Web Spam team said that his company will need some time for determining the ways for validating new TLDs. But, this transition won’t last long and soon enough this search engine will present the most relevant results with the range of TLDs that go from ‘.com’ to ‘.whatever’.

What should entrepreneurs do?

Although generic TLDs bring huge benefits, ‘.com’ will still represent the ‘main street of internet’, at least for some time. Since ICANN will release around 1,300 new TLDs, we can assume that only one part of these will gain higher traction. Companies should choose generic TLDs that match products and services they provide. This is definitely a safe bet, which is why TLDs like ‘.law’ and ‘.fashion’ will soon become very popular.

Same goes for location-specific TLDs. Now companies will be able to add specific cities to their domain name (at least the ones that do business in metropolises like New York and Paris). This will also allow specific branches of big companies to open their own websites, with both company and location specific domain names.

Companies that have younger customer base and that can have less formal marketing approach can choose wide variety of different generic TLD’s in order to create catchier and more memorable slogans. Domain extensions like ‘.me’ and ‘.ly’ allow marketers to play domain name scrabble and attract their audience with funky sounding web addresses.

Although the launch of new generic top level domains generally passed unnoticed, we are actually witnessing internet evolution that’s happening due to huge increase in the number of its users. This is probably the best proof that from sixties and the ARPANET, there hasn’t been any other invention that was such a drastic leap forward in the world as we know it today.

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Best Gaming Laptops on a Budget

gaming laptopWith each new generation of hardware, laptops get more powerful. Thanks to better and more efficient manufacturing processes, laptop producers are able to put high-performance components into their gaming laptops without having to worry too much about cooling. For example, you can use last generation’s GT960M cooler to cool down a GT1070M. Furthermore, performance gets better within the same segment, meaning that this year’s mid-range will be on par with the last year’s high-end. This is why we can get cheaper laptops for gaming purposes without losing too much on graphics details, compared to more expensive older models.

In this article we will check out 3 “inexpensive” laptops that are a good fit for gaming, among other things. (more…)

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5 Best DropBox Alternatives

dropbox cloudUSB drives are outdated, not to mention the remains of CD/DVD technology. Cloud is the future of digital storage and, today, everyone knows this. Speaking about file hosting services, California-based DropBox serves as the flagship of the industry. However, although most popular, it is far from being the only such platform out there. With this in mind, if you ever find yourself in desperate need of a cloud storage service other than DropBox, here are five completely adequate alternatives. (more…)

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7 Things a Geek Without a Summer Plan can do at Home

pen idea bulb paperBefore we could even get accustomed to spring, summer is already here and dozens of our closest friends and acquaintances will soon scatter all over the world on various adventures. If you have something similar planned for this summer as well, great! If not, there is really no place for desperation since there are so many things you can do at home. So, here are 7 best things you can do at home this summer to make it completely unforgettable. (more…)

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Mighty No. 9: Better Than Megaman?

Megaman gameThe first Megaman game

I still remember the day that I played the very first Megaman game. The first Megaman game was created way back in 1987, and I’m still under a year old that time. Eight years later, my dad bought us a classic Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) console with game cartridges. However, he only bought one and it’s a 100,000 in one game in just one game cartridge. (more…)

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