Social Media Branding Tips You May Not Have Heard So Far

Branding through social media is an interesting concept that gives you a direct line of communication with your audience, giving you both a head start and a competitive edge. The problem is, however, is the fact that with so many possibilities, there’s always a threat that you’ll miss out on a great opportunity, simply because you didn’t know it’s there. There are so many social media branding tips that you haven’t heard so far, some of which may turn out to be pivotal in your future branding efforts. Here are five of them worth considering. (more…)

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The Problem of E-waste

E-waste (electronic waste) is the term used to describe any electronics that are considered no longer useful. Technology is constantly and rapidly evolving and improving, which leads many electronic products to become “trash” within just a small time frame. Improper disposal of electronics can lead to major negative impacts on the soil, air, and water components of our environment.


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4 Tips for Promoting Apps for Local Markets

Mobile traffic and mobile device usage have skyrocketed over the past few years and mobile apps are continuously rising in popularity. Nowadays, many people use various mobile apps to stay updated, entertained or simply enjoy products and services from their favorite brands. Meanwhile, businesses are making an effort to develop mobile apps for their target audience that will meet and even exceed the customers’ needs and expectations. (more…)

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The Ultimate Guide to Buying Headphones

Several decades ago, headphones may have been a high-tech gadget, but today they are one of the most common items that virtually everyone owns. There are various types, brands and traits of these items, and you have more choice than ever, which can sometimes be considered a downside. You see, having too much choice means that it might be difficult to choose the right ones. With this in mind, here is a simple step-by-step guide for buying headphones.


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office gadgets

5 Tips for Starting a Web-Based Business

Starting a web-based company can be rather difficult. You have to consider the right marketplace, create and market a product, build an online store and cater to all of your customers’ wants and needs without getting buried by the already large number of competitors. There are things you can do all by yourself without breaking a sweat, but there are also those that require professional help if you wish to avoid shooting yourself in the leg, metaphorically speaking. That’s why we’ve prepared this nifty little list of tips that will help you successfully start your own online business. (more…)

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5 Most Common Attacks to Protect your Site Against

Having your own personal website used to be a right reserved only for developers and those who can afford it. Today, however, people can create an entire website, complete with contact info, various pages filled with content or even an e-commerce store with just a couple of clicks. With so many websites being created every day, hackers are presented with a unique opportunity to get as much information they possibly can, using various shady methods and techniques. That said, let’s go over some of the most common cyber-attacks used by hackers worldwide, as well as some tips on how to prevent them from happening in the first place. (more…)

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4 Steps to Optimize Your Ecommerce Website

1Optimization of your website in order to provide a better user experience is an important thing, and even more so when it comes to ecommerce. You see, the average conversion rate of most sites online is about 2.35 percent of all visitors. On the other hand, with a proper amount of optimization, you can easily achieve as high as 5.31 percent, which is more than double. This would mean that for every 100 visitors to your website, you would get 5-6 customers instead of 2-3. Still, how do you optimize your ecommerce website? Let’s find out! (more…)

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Growth-Hacking Tips for Ecommerce Websites

arrows-1915374_960_720An ecommerce website requires growth tactics different from non-commercial websites. What’s more, online traders focus on higher conversion rates, rather than mere traffic. Because of that, e-stores need a special approach when it comes to creating growth strategies. Everything they post or think of should be related to sales. However, being aggressive and invasive in talking customers into buying your products can boomerang back and bring no benefit. Therefore, here are some clever ways of growing your ecommerce website into a popular e-shopping place. (more…)

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