What Makes Cloud Computing Great for Small Businesses?

Even though cloud computing seems to be an attractive idea even to some of the world’s biggest enterprises that are currently migrating to cloud, this is an option that can completely revolutionize the world of small businesses. How? Well, by giving them a chance to outperform their much bigger competitors. Here are five methods through which this will be possible in the future. (more…)

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5 Best DropBox Alternatives

dropbox cloudUSB drives are outdated, not to mention the remains of CD/DVD technology. Cloud is the future of digital storage and, today, everyone knows this. Speaking about file hosting services, California-based DropBox serves as the flagship of the industry. However, although most popular, it is far from being the only such platform out there. With this in mind, if you ever find yourself in desperate need of a cloud storage service other than DropBox, here are five completely adequate alternatives. (more…)

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